How to add rich text

We don’t have this natively in Stacker at the moment. But there are some workarounds.To add rich text to your app:

Enable rich text for your long text field in Airtable. This will allow you to add formatted text directly in AT that will be rendered in Stacker.

When you enter edit mode in Stacker, you will be able to edit the text using markdown.

You can also add rich text directly in Stacker using markdown, more on this here:

You can also vote for a rich text editor in Stacker here:

When using rich text from airtable, it displays as expected on the view housing the table of origin, but fails to show as intended if the information is pulled into a new table via an Airtable or Stacker Lookup field. Is this something that can be addressed by a workaround? If so, how?

Many thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Agu

We accept rich text in the long text field, it should be enabled in your app but if it isn’t please send the name of your app through to for rich text to be enabled.