📣 Release notes for Stacker this week!

Hey folks, happy Friday! We’ve got a selection of improvements for Stacker this week, including bringing a bit of color to single and multi-select fields in Stacker Tables. Enjoy! :art:


  • You can now delete page buttons directly from your Edit Layout detail page. Untoggle the action button to see the trash icon for that button.
  • We’ve added in a loading animation when creating or editing a form. Users will not be able to change the contents of the form when it is in the process of submitting.
  • Stacker Tables - You can now use automatic links.
  • Single-select and multi-select dropdowns in Stacker Tables now support colors (see below)


  • Previously when sorting an invalid lookup/rollup field this would cause layouts to crash. We have added in a warning to let you know that it is an invalid configuration.