Release notes w/c 12th December

Santa has to travel at 0.5% the speed of light to deliver all his gifts. And here are our final release notes for the year - we won’t be releasing any new features until January 3rd, but will still fix bugs / issues if they appear. Have a great Christmas y’all :slight_smile:

:rolled_up_newspaper: New
[Stacker Tables] You can now set permission based on Stacker’s created by/updated by fields.

:muscle: Improved
Long field names would cause formatting issues on the Fields modal in Manage fields and data. We will now graciously truncate them instead.
We’ve done a few optimizations that should increase the speed of your apps. :zap:

:hammer_and_wrench: Fixed
Page layouts weren’t loading if you tried to reach them through Manage fields and data. Sorry about that—they will load now.
Logging in would not work on rare occasions. This should be fixed now.