I’ve been using the new Created Time field type in my formulas and created a big formula today to show the relative date between now and when the record was created. I thought this might be useful to others in the community. If your field is called {Created Date} then this is what you need:
IF(DATEDIF({Created Date}, NOW(), "months") > 1,DATEDIF({Created Date}, NOW(), "months") & " months ago",
IF(DATEDIF({Created Date},NOW(),"months") = 1,"A month ago",
IF(DATEDIF({Created Date},NOW(),"weeks") > 1,DATEDIF({Created Date}, NOW(), "weeks") & " weeks ago",
IF(DATEDIF({Created Date},NOW(),"weeks") = 1,"Last week",
IF(DATEDIF({Created Date},NOW(),"days") > 1,DATEDIF({Created Date}, NOW(), "days") & " days ago",
IF(DATEDIF({Created Date},NOW(),"days") = 1,"Yesterday",
IF(DATEDIF({Created Date},NOW(),"hours") > 1,DATEDIF({Created Date},NOW(),"hours") & " hours ago",
IF(DATEDIF({Created Date},NOW(),"hours") = 1,"An hour ago",
IF(DATEDIF({Created Date},NOW(),"minutes") > 1,DATEDIF({Created Date},NOW(),"minutes") & " minutes ago",
"Just now")))))))))
In my app this now looks like this in a Highlights widget: