Today's release: Formula interface improvements and a few fixes

After our short break, we are back with a new release! As always, you can see our full release notes here.

:rolled_up_newspaper: New

  • When creating a formula, a panel will now appear to help you out with a list of all available fields and functions - see gif below. I’m personally loving this, makes my life much easier

:muscle: Improved

  • When you create a rich text field, it will now default to displaying as the full width of the page.
  • An improvement for how inbox view looks on smaller screens, because small is beautiful.

:hammer_and_wrench: Fixed

  • In a formula field, if you use the NOW() parameter, it will show the correct time for HOUR and MINUTE.
  • Sometimes you couldn’t edit formulas that included dates. Now you can edit them to your heart’s content.
  • When you went to pick a date in a date field it wouldn’t always display the saved value. Now it will! :tada:
  • Wrapped text sometimes chose not to display in a list view. We’ve reminded it that it should be present when requested.