Ways to summarize data in Stacker

In additional to supporting Airtable lookups and formulas, Stacker now gives you the power to summarize and visualize your data directly in the app.

Summarizing Table Data with Charts

Charts (beta) can be used to summarize and visualize data based on values in your table.

At the moment, you can display values from your table as either numbers or pie charts. Number fields in your table can be added up or averaged. You also have the option to count the number of records, or to display linked and multiple select fields in a pie chart format.

Charts are currently available in beta only. To request this feature, please contact support@stackerhq.com with the url for your app. Additional information on how to use charts can be found here.

Summarizing Related Values with Stacker Rollups

If you would like to summarize data from your linked records, you can use Stacker rollups to summarize related values. The full post on this can be found at the link below -

How to add Stacker Roll-up Fields