Prevent duplicate records

Hi Stacker community,

I’m struggling with limiting my users to create duplicate records. Say I have 3 tables in Airtable, colors (blue and red), numbers (one and two) and combinations of those. The combinations table should only allow unique combinations so if blue - one already exists, it should limit that option in stacker when you want to create a new record.

Here are links to the test airtables:

In Airtable I added the lookup fields and created conditions for the linked record in my combination table.

and for the color linked record:

and the result is as expected. I can only select options that are not already present in the combination table. So if Blue-One already exists, if you select Blue, you can only link to “Two” and not “One”.

Now I want to minic this behavior in Stacker. However I doubt if this is possible as the “record” does not “exist” before you click save. I tried setting up the limitation in Stacker, but this only works in edit mode, not when creating any new records.

Any guidance from this community or stacker team would be helpful.